Running a business in Connecticut is hard enough as it is

Now is Not the Time to Make it Harder

Proposals to increase the minimum wage and create a paid family and medical leave program, would stifle economic growth, kill job opportunities, and both employers and taxpayers alike would be on the hook for the tens of millions of dollars it would cost to make it all work.

The very workers these policies aim to help will see fewer hours and take home less pay, unless we act responsibly.

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These Proposals Have Good Intentions

Paid Family Leave, $15 Minimum Wage Can Only Work if We Work Together

Despite the negative impact a significant increase in the minimum wage and paid family and medical leave program would have on Connecticut’s economy, some lawmakers are intent on passing them – but the reform suggestions below could mitigate the disaster.


Slow the Increase in Minimum Wage

A six-year implementation to $15 an hour compared to a three or four-year plan would allow business the breathing room to absorb the increases in a sensible way and still be the highest minimum wage increase in state history.


Expand the State’s Training Wage

By allowing a business to pay those under 18 a reduced rate for longer, we would give employers more reason to take a chance on a younger worker and invest in a fairer system where the wage matches the labor provided.


Say No to Indexing

If we can avoid implementing indexing, we will provide businesses and employers with greater economic flexibility so they can make the decisions that make the most sense at that time.


Make Paid Family Leave Sustainable

If we are going to invest millions of dollars into a paid family leave program, we must ensure that employee funding meets the benefit cost, to avoid additional rate increases on employees. Among other things by adopting a 60-70% wage replacement, like other states, and allowing employees to opt out of the program, we can make it more sustainable.


Do More to Discourage Fraud

From limiting the number of “family members” who can benefit from the program to enforcing stronger punishments to those who commit fraud, there are ways to limit government waste and protect this benefit for those truly in need.